Hello! I feel like I should just get this thing out the door and stop putting it off until it's all "just right".

This here is my website!

It's not much now but it'll hopefully end up as a dumping ground of thoughts, projects, experiments. Just some place to put all the random holes my ADHD tends to trip me into.

Part of that will likely be the website itself. I like messing around with web stuff quite a bit. I can get a bit caught up in it, and that's why the current site is based on Zonelets. I had been making my own site from scratch and enjoying it but found myself getting too swept up in it to actually get it into a releaseable state. Using zonelets gave me a base I could just, finish and put out. Even tho I did get carried away with theming it a bit. I'd like to do more of that later, have fun, experiment, do nonsense.

We'll see how it goes.